Opportunity field report, October 26, 2016

04_4527_GeosettingSol 4535, October 26, 2016; Rover Field Report by Larry Crumpler, MER Science Team & New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science: Since the last report, Opportunity has driven into the next valley to the south which we have informally named “Bitteroot Valley.”

On this sol Opportunity is finishing up observations on the first outcrop target of its 10th mission extension plan. In this two-year plan Opportunity will explore the lower inner walls of Endeavour crater. It will then climb back out to the west and south while exploring the stratigraphy and structure of the crater wall, and then, drive south along the rim.

Later in the year the plan is for Opportunity to drive back into the crater, following the floor of a fluvial channel cut in the rim of the crater. If Opportunity is able to follow this plan, then this will be the first drive inside a known fluvial channel on Mars. The results should be interesting. [More at link]

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