Curiosity: Glassy-textured rock

0730MR0031270000402981E01_DXXXSol 730, August 26, 2014. Both the Mastcam and ChemCam imaged a large, grayish rock with a rounded, relatively smooth, and glassy surface. Mastcam used its 100mm lens to image the rock and its surroundings (right).

ChemCam shot a mosaic of images across the rock (below). A visual link is provided by the flat, angular rock (yellow arrow) resting on the sand in the center of the Mastcam image; this rock also appears, out of focus, at right in the ChemCam mosaic, which combines five images.

730-chemcam-mosaicSol 730 raw images (from all cameras), and Curiosity’s latest location map.

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