Opportunity report by A.J.S. Rayl, The Planetary Society

Holger Isenberg (http://areo.info/mer/opportunity) creates color images from Opportunity’s filtered Pancam frames. This Sol 3625 view looks southeast from Outcrop Ridge.

April 7, 2014: Opportunity Powers Up in Cook Haven and in Fans’ Minds. At the Solander Point section of the rim of Endeavour Crater, Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity spent the month of March just off Murray Ridge working on its final targets in Cook Haven and dusting itself in the winds of winter, while MER mission officials on Earth were roving toward what may be the robot’s current greatest potential threat – being cut from NASA’s planetary science budget. The MER operations team remained focused on Opportunity not politics in recent weeks and for good reason. The winds that whipped up from the 22-kilometer (13.67-mile) diameter hole in the ground blew through… [More at link]

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