Curiosity update: ‘MAHLI wheel imaging’

NLB_482725854EDR_S0461676NCAM00431M_Sol 962, April 20, 2015, update from USGS scientist Ken Herkenhoff: The Sol 960 drive went as planned, for a total of over 102 meters!  The rover has driven far enough since the last full set of MAHLI images were acquired that it’s time to take another full set to look for more wheel wear.  So my focus today as MAHLI/MARDI uplink lead was on planning wheel images.  MARDI images are typically taken at each wheel-imaging position as well, but all of these images were well planned strategically, so it was an easy day for me.  Wheel images will be taken at 4 spots, separated by short drives to ensure that all of the wheel surfaces can be examined.  This takes enough time that there wasn’t much room for other observations:  Sol 962 begins with… [More at link]

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