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Tag Archives: CBU
Curiosity update: Records measured in degrees
Sol 2477, July 25, 2019, update by MSL scientist Susanne Schwenzer: Europeans, Californians… and many others on the team watched their thermometers rise to record highs today, reaching 36°C in this blogger’s hometown “Milton Keynes.” Thinking about planning, where we … Continue reading
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Tagged Aeolis Mons, CBU, clay-bearing unit, Cruden Bay, Curiosity, East Caithness Cliff, Gale Crater, Glen Torridon, Mars Science Laboratory, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA, Southern Outcrop
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Curiosity update: The Southern Escarpment almost within reach
Sol 2476, July 24, 2019, update by MSL engineer Ashley Stroupe: This morning Curiosity found herself parked at the base of the southern escarpment of the Visionarium. She’s at a significant tilt of 21 degrees; you can see the slope … Continue reading
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Tagged Aeolis Mons, Antonine Wall, CBU, clay-bearing unit, Curiosity, Gale Crater, Glen Torridon, Mars Science Laboratory, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA, Seaton Cliffs, Southern Outcrop, Tyrebagger Hill, Visionarium
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Curiosity update: Powering through!
Sol 2475, July 23, 2019, update by MSL scientist Dawn Sumner: It’s winter for Curiosity, and it’s cold. That means that we have to spend extra energy heating up the instruments and motors for our activities. All of our energy … Continue reading
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Tagged Aeolis Mons, CBU, clay-bearing unit, Curiosity, Gale Crater, Glen Torridon, Mars Science Laboratory, Monreith, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA, Southern Outcrop
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Curiosity update: A great outcrop!
Sol 2474, July 22, 2019, update by MSL scientist Kristen Bennett: Today’s one-sol plan included both remote science and contact science. The team planned a large Mastcam mosaic of the outcrop located to the south of Curiosity. The image above … Continue reading
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Tagged Aeolis Mons, CBU, clay-bearing unit, Curiosity, Gale Crater, Glen Torridon, Mars Science Laboratory, Mither Tap, Moine, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA
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Curiosity update: Additional contact science and a soliday at Sandside Harbour
Sols 2472-73, July 22, 2019, update by MSL scientist Lauren Edgar: Curiosity is still parked in front of an outcrop known as “Sandside Harbour” in order to investigate differences in the lighter and darker outcrop expressions. Contact science in the … Continue reading
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Tagged Aeolis Mons, Blackstones Bank, CBU, clay-bearing unit, Curiosity, East Shetland, Essendy, Gale Crater, Glen Torridon, Halkirk, Joppa Shore, Mars Science Laboratory, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA, North Minch, Sandside Harbour
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Curiosity: Mastcam, near and far
Sol 2468, July 17, 2019. The wide-angle (34mm) Mastcam shot an outcrop next to Curiosity that shows layered sediments on the left and a different texture on the right. Below is a five-frame sequence looking toward a local rise and … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged Aeolis Mons, CBU, clay-bearing unit, Curiosity, Gale Crater, Glen Torridon, impact craters, lake bed sediments, layered deposits, Mars Science Laboratory, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA, Sandside Harbour, sedimentary deposits
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Curiosity update: A way to spend a day at Solway
Sols 2470-71, July 17, 2019, update by MSL scientist Scott Guzewich: Today, Curiosity finds itself parked in front of a fascinating area of martian bedrock with clearly lighter and darker colored areas next to each other as seen in the … Continue reading
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Tagged Aeolis Mons, CBU, clay-bearing unit, Curiosity, Gale Crater, Glen Torridon, Mars Science Laboratory, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA, Nith, Solway Firth, Southern Outcrop
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Curiosity update: Rolling southward!
Sols 2468-69, July 16, 2019, update by MSL scientist Catherine O’Connell-Cooper: Curiosity finished up our investigation at Harlaw Rise on the weekend, and commenced our drive to an area we are (informally) calling the “Southern Outcrop,” another of the ridge … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged Aeolis Mons, CBU, clay-bearing unit, Curiosity, Gale Crater, Glen Torridon, Harlaw Rise, Mars Science Laboratory, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA, Paible, Sandside Harbour, Southern Outcrop
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Curiosity update: Finishing up at Harlaw Rise
Sols 2465-67, July 12, 2019, update by MSL scientist Ken Herkenhoff: The Sol 2463 drive went as planned, leaving the rover in position to examine what appears to be a small dome in the sedimentary rocks (visible on the left … Continue reading
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Tagged Aeolis Mons, Aitken Pit, CBU, clay-bearing unit, Curiosity, Ecclefechan, Gale Crater, Glen Torridon, Harlaw Rise, Hatton, Kirbuster, Mars Science Laboratory, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA
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HiRISE spots Curiosity at Woodland Bay
A dramatic Martian landscape can be seen in a new image taken from space, showing NASA’s Curiosity rover examining a location called “Woodland Bay.” It’s just one of many stops the rover has made in an area referred to as … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged Aeolis Mons, CBU, clay-bearing unit, Curiosity, Gale Crater, Glen Torridon, High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, HiRISE, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, Mars Science Laboratory, Mount Sharp, MRO, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA, University of Arizona, Vera Rubin Ridge, Woodland Bay
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