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Tag Archives: CBU
Curiosity update: Forecast: it’s pebbly out there
Sol 2435, June 13, 2019, update by MSL scientist Susanne Schwenzer: After yesterday’s soliday for the rover operations team on Earth, we went back to work planning activities for Curiosity to complete on sol 2435 in the Glen Torridon area. … Continue reading
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Tagged Aeolis Mons, CBU, clay-bearing unit, Curiosity, Gale Crater, Glen Torridon, Little Minch, Mars Science Laboratory, Marwick Head, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA, pebbles, Strathspey, Teal, Waypoint 4
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Curiosity update: Ridge rage
Sol 2434, June 10, 2019, update by MSL scientist Mariah Baker: It’s a good thing that Curiosity doesn’t have any competition on the road as she drives fervently across undulating terrain towards a large geologic ridge of unknown origin (informally … Continue reading
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Tagged Aeolis Mons, CBU, clay-bearing unit, Curiosity, Gale Crater, Glen Torridon, Lossie, Mars Science Laboratory, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA, Portessie, Smoogro, Waypoint 4
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Curiosity: Roving the clay-enriched plains
Sol 2432, June 10, 2019. After a lengthy drive across the pebbled surface, Curiosity is parked near low outcroppings of bedrock. Click either image to enlarge it. Sol 2432 raw images (from all cameras).
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Tagged Aeolis Mons, CBU, clay-bearing unit, Curiosity, Gale Crater, Glen Torridon, Mars Science Laboratory, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA, Vera Rubin Ridge
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Curiosity: Makin’ tracks
Sols 2429-30, June 7, 2019. After driving 47 meters (154 feet) east, Curiosity halted and mission controllers directed the Mastcam (34mm lens) to shoot a five-frame composite looking forward (above). The next (martian) day, the right-side Hazcams shot the scene … Continue reading
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Tagged Aeolis Mons, CBU, clay-bearing unit, Curiosity, Gale Crater, Glen Torridon, Mars Science Laboratory, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA
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Curiosity: Where next?
Sol 2429, June 7, 2019. Two Navcam composites, one forward-facing (above) and one to the rear, show Curiosity’s surroundings. Click either image to enlarge it. Sol 2428 raw images (from all cameras).
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Tagged Aeolis Mons, CBU, clay-bearing unit, Curiosity, Gale Crater, Glen Torridon, Mars Science Laboratory, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA, Vera Rubin Ridge
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Curiosity update: A ‘no-touch-and-go’
Sols 2429-30, June 6, 2019, update by MSL scientist Brittney Cooper: The original plan for Sol 2429 involved a “touch-and-go” where the rover would have engaged in contact science (that’s the “touch” portion) followed by a drive (the “go” portion), … Continue reading
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Tagged Aeolis Mons, Awe, Castle Rock, CBU, clay-bearing unit, Curiosity, Gale Crater, Glen Torridon, Mars Science Laboratory, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA, Woodland Bay
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Curiosity: Woodland Bay under scrutiny
Sol 2428, June 5, 2019. The right front Hazcam shows the multi-layered outcrop named Woodland Bay getting the close-up treatment by Curiosity’s instrument arm. Click the image to enlarge it. Sol 2428 raw images (from all cameras).
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Tagged Aeolis Mons, CBU, clay-bearing unit, Curiosity, Gale Crater, Glen Torridon, Mars Science Laboratory, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA, Woodland Bay
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Curiosity update: A many-layered plan
Sols 2427-28, June 5, 2019, update by MSL scientist Claire Newman: The main focus of today’s plan was observations of the interbedded thick and thin layers we found at Woodland Bay before we drive away again, perhaps as early as … Continue reading
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Tagged Aeolis Mons, atmosphere, Avon, CBU, clay-bearing unit, clouds, Crakaig, Curiosity, Deeside, Gale Crater, Glen Torridon, Lochgilphead, Mars Science Laboratory, Mons Graupius, Morningside, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA, Olrig, Tobermory, West Side, Woodland Bay
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Curiosity: Morningside’s layers
Sol 2427, June 5, 2019. The Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) is continuing its survey of the Woodland Bay area and the Morningside outcrop in particular. The layers in Morningside appear to have cyclic patterns which, if real, likely reflect … Continue reading
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Tagged Aeolis Mons, CBU, clay-bearing unit, Curiosity, Gale Crater, Glen Torridon, layered deposits, Mars Science Laboratory, Morningside, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA, stratigraphy, Woodland Bay
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Curiosity: Hazcam shows Morningside
Sol 2426, June 3, 2019. With Curiosity parked at Morningside, the front Hazcam took a scene-setting image showing the layered outcrop (center) and its surroundings, with Vera Rubin Ridge in the background at right. Click the image to enlarge it. … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged Aeolis Mons, CBU, clay-bearing unit, Curiosity, Gale Crater, Glen Torridon, Mars Science Laboratory, Morningside, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA, Vera Rubin Ridge
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