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Tag Archives: Gusev Crater
Acid fog alteration seen at Husband Hill outcrop
While Mars doesn’t have much in the way of Earth-like weather, it does evidently share one kind of weird meteorology: acid fog. Planetary scientist Shoshanna Cole has pieced together a compelling story about how acidic vapors may have eaten at … Continue reading
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Tagged acid fog, Columbia Hills, Cumberland Ridge, Gusev Crater, Husband Hill, Jibsheet, Larry's Lookout, Mars Exploration Rover, MER, Methuselah, NASA, Spirit, Watchtower class rocks
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THEMIS: Gusev Crater – false color
THEMIS Image of the Day, October 5, 2015. The THEMIS VIS camera contains 5 filters. The data from different filters can be combined in multiple ways to create a false color image. These false color images may reveal subtle variations … Continue reading
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Tagged Arizona State University, ASU, dust, dust devils, Gusev Crater, Mars Color Camera, Mars Odyssey, NASA, THEMIS, Thermal Emission Imaging System
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THEMIS: Gusev Crater
THEMIS Image of the Day, August 25, 2015. Today’s VIS image shows part of the floor of Gusev Crater, home of the MER Spirit Rover. More THEMIS Images of the Day by geological topic.
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Tagged Arizona State University, ASU, Columbia Hills, Gusev Crater, Mars Odyssey, NASA, THEMIS, Thermal Emission Imaging System
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THEMIS: Gusev Crater false color
THEMIS Image of the Day, January 19, 2015. The THEMIS VIS camera contains 5 filters. The data from different filters can be combined in multiple ways to create a false color image. These false color images may reveal subtle variations … Continue reading
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Tagged Arizona State University, ASU, Gusev Crater, Mars Exploration Rovers, Mars Odyssey, NASA, Spirit, THEMIS, Thermal Emission Imaging System
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THEMIS: Ma’adim Vallis
THEMIS Image of the Day, September 8, 2014. This VIS image shows a portion of Ma’adim Vallis, which is a large channel that enters Gusev Crater from the south. Gusev Crater is the “home” of the MER rover named Spirit. … Continue reading
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Tagged Arizona State University, ASU, Gusev Crater, Ma'adim Vallis, Mars Odyssey, NASA, outflow channels, Spirit, THEMIS, Thermal Emission Imaging System
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HiRISE: Mission 2020, candidate landing site in Gusev Crater
As we did for Phoenix in 2008 and the Mars Science Laboratory in 2012, HiRISE has been imaging landing sites for a potential rover mission in 2020. With HiRISE resolution, mission teams can examine what areas of Mars are flat … Continue reading
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Tagged craters, Gusev Crater, High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, HiRISE, Mars 2020 rover, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, MRO, NASA, University of Arizona
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“Lake Gusev” possible source for Comanche carbonates
The rock outcrop dubbed Comanche in the Columbia Hills of Gusev Crater is unusually rich in magnesium-iron carbonate minerals. This discovery was first announced in 2010 using data from the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit. At the time, scientists thought that … Continue reading
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Tagged Algonquin, carbonate minerals, carbonate minerals, Comanche, Gusev Crater, Mars Exploration Rovers, MER, Spirit
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Lava flows resurfaced crater lakes after water was gone
Fire and water didn’t mix when it came to resurfacing basins that lie along Martian fluvial valley networks. A study of some 30 open-basin lakes (paleolakes) with floors covered by lava flows has concluded that at least these basins were … Continue reading
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Tagged CRISM, CTX, Gusev Crater, HiRISE, HRSC, lava flows, Mars Exploration Rovers, OMEGA, open-basin lakes, paleolakes, Spirit, TES, THEMIS
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Not-so-everlasting hills
When the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit reached the top of Husband Hill in the Columbia Hills of Gusev Crater on August 22, 2005, it stood 107 meters (351 feet) above its landing site. Yet if recent work is right, the … Continue reading
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Tagged Columbia Hills, Gusev Crater, HiRISE, Husband Hill, Mars Exploration Rovers, MER, Navcam, Pancam, Spirit
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Commemorating Mars Exploration Rover Spirit
The cast and crew of scientists and engineers who designed, built, and operated the Mars rover Spirit for its 2,210 days in Gusev Crater held a commemoration and celebration for the rover at its birthplace, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, on … Continue reading
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Tagged Gusev Crater, Home Plate, hot springs, Mars Exploration Rovers, MER, silica, Spirit
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