Tag Archives: Hidden Valley

Curiosity: Sol 712, August 7, 2014

Dark slope streak, micro-edition (lower left). With large-scale dark slope streaks, scientists believe they are avalanches of light-tone dust that uncover the underlying dark surface. However, this small-scale streak appears to be a finger of dark material lying on top … Continue reading

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Curiosity update: ‘On solid ground’

Sol 714, August 10, 2014, update on Curiosity from USGS Scientist Ryan Anderson: “The Sol 713 drive got us out of the sand and onto solid (albeit rocky) ground! For Sol 714, the plan is to drive the rest of … Continue reading

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Curiosity: Sol 714, August 9, 2014

Hidden Valley (center) offered Curiosity softer driving than the rock-strewn surface of Zabriskie Plateau, but apparently too soft for good driving. So the rover has backed up and out of Hidden Valley onto the Zabriskie Plateau caprock on the valley’s … Continue reading

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Curiosity update: ‘High road or low road?’

Sol 713, August 8, 2014, update on Curiosity from USGS Scientist Ryan Anderson: “The plan for Sol 713 is to do some brief ChemCam and Mastcam observations of a target called Thorndike, and then drive. The goal of the drive … Continue reading

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Curiosity update: ‘Rover-sand interaction’

Sol 712, August 6, 2014, update on Curiosity from MSL Scientist Lauren Edgar: “Curiosity is still at the northern end of Hidden Valley, and the rover planners are trying to decide on the best approach for upcoming drives. The plan…” … Continue reading

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Curiosity: Sol 710, August 5, 2014

Above Hidden Valley’s south rim runs an outcrop of stratified rocks, with a shark-fin boulder standing high. In the distance behind the outcrop lie the foothills of Mount Sharp. (Mosaic of Mastcam 100 images; large file: 6 MB.) Sol 710 … Continue reading

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Curiosity: Sol 710, August 5, 2014

Checking out Hidden Valley’s northern wall with the Mastcam (100mm lens) reveals layered rocks, some crossbedded (three-frame composite). NASA description (middle frame): This image was taken by Mastcam: Right (MAST_RIGHT) onboard NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 710 (2014-08-05 13:34:03 UTC). … Continue reading

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Curiosity: Sol 711, August 6, 2014

Soft sand in Hidden Valley, caught with the MAHLI. NASA description: NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity acquired this image using its Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI), located on the turret at the end of the rover’s robotic arm, on August 6, … Continue reading

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Curiosity update: ‘Deep tracks’

Sol 710, August 4, 2014, update on Curiosity from USGS Scientist Ken Herkenhoff: “The Sol 709 drive was not as long as planned because the minimum 2 meters of progress out of 4.5 meters commanded was not achieved. This…” [More … Continue reading

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Two years on Mars… and counting

NASA’s most advanced roving laboratory on Mars celebrates its second anniversary since landing inside the Red Planet’s Gale Crater on Aug. 5, 2012, PDT (Aug. 6, 2012, EDT). During its first year of operations, the Curiosity rover fulfilled its major … Continue reading

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