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Tag Archives: inverted channels
Inverted terrain shows ancient stream-flow details
River deposits exist across the surface of Mars and record a surface environment from over 3.5 billion years ago that was able to support liquid water at the surface. A region of Mars named Aeolis Dorsa contains some of the … Continue reading
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Tagged Aeolis Dorsa, fluvial channels, fluvial erosion, fluvial landforms, fluvial processes, inverted channels, inverted topography
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HiRISE: Transition from depressed to inverted channels in Gorgonum Basin
This image shows a transition from depressed to inverted channels in the Gorgonum Basin. In the darker terrain, there are two channels that display depressed topography. As these two channels cross into the underlying brighter terrain, the channels now stand … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged Gorgonum Basin, High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, HiRISE, inverted channels, inverted topography, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, MRO, NASA, University of Arizona
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HiRISE: North Hellas rock layers & sinuous ridge
North Hellas region layered rock and sinuous ridge exposures. Beautiful Mars series.
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Tagged Beautiful Mars, Hellas, High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, HiRISE, inverted channels, inverted topography, layered deposits, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, MRO, NASA, sinuous ridge, University of Arizona
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HiRISE: Inverted terrain in Eridania Basin
The Eridania Basin is thought to have once contained a large sea. This image shows the Gorgonum Basin, which lies along the eastern edge of Eridania. Along this eastern boundary, the terrain is being eroded away to expose light-toned altered … Continue reading
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Tagged Eridania Basin, High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, HiRISE, inverted channels, inverted topography, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, MRO, NASA, University of Arizona
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Inverted wadis on Earth: analogs for Mars
Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month, February 1, 2016: Abdallah Zaki (Ain Shams University). The evolution of inverted topography on Earth and Mars can result from surface armouring of the channel, infilling of channels/valleys by lava flows, and cementation of … Continue reading
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Tagged channels, inverted channels, inverted topography, inverted wadis
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HiRISE: Inverted streams in the Aeolis region
The sinuous ridges in this image display strong characteristics of ancient meandering riverbeds that are preserved as inverted topography (blue). The ancient river sediments that make up the ridges might have allowed fluids to produce cements (e.g., calcite or iron … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged Aeolis Mensae, High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, HiRISE, inverted channels, inverted topography, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, MRO, NASA, University of Arizona
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HiRISE: Inverted meandering rivers at possible future landing site
This image contains interesting examples of crosscutting, sinuous and straight ridges. The ridge in the lower left of the image (orange) has gradual bends and well-defined positive relief, while the ridge in the upper right (blue) exhibits a degree of … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, HiRISE, inverted channels, inverted topography, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, MRO, NASA, ridges, University of Arizona
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HiRISE: Inverted channels on Saheki Crater fan
Inverted channels on fan in Saheki Crater. Beautiful Mars series.
Posted in Reports
Tagged Beautiful Mars, channels, High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, HiRISE, inverted channels, inverted topography, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, MRO, NASA, Saheki Crater, University of Arizona
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HiRISE: Fine-branched ridges
This image shows numerous branching ridges with various degrees of sinuosity. These branching forms resemble tributaries funneling and draining into larger channel trunks towards the upper portion of the scene. The raised relief of these branching ridges suggests that these … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged channels, fluvial channels, fluvial deposits, High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, HiRISE, inverted channels, inverted topography, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, MRO, NASA, University of Arizona
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