Tag Archives: Kalahari Dune

Seeing Mars in a grain of sand

[Ed. note: The following is a guide to two recent special issues of the Journal of Geophysical Research; both collect papers reporting on studies of the Bagnold Dunes in Gale Crater. The guide complements the MSL report posted earlier here.] … Continue reading

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Curiosity: Across rough ground

Sol 1298, March 31, 2016. With the unplanned too-short drive behind it, Curiosity logged 35 meters (115 feet) of travel toward the west southwest across the rough-surfaced Naukluft Plateau. Mission controllers are driving the rover westward so it can flank … Continue reading

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Curiosity update: Driving toward Naukluft Plateau

Sol 1262-63, February 22, 2016, update from USGS scientist Ryan Anderson: We’re gearing up for a nice long drive toward the “Naukluft Plateau” in today’s plan! The sol 1262 plan starts off with ChemCam of the bedrock targets “Gemsboktal” and … Continue reading

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Curiosity: Loomings

Sol 1255, February 16, 2016. Mount Sharp (Aeolis Mons to be strictly correct) looms behind the rover, as it rolls across the Murray Formation’s rocks, northwest out of the cul-de-sac between Namib Dune (seen on the left) and High Dune … Continue reading

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