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Tag Archives: katabatic jump
THEMIS: Polar trough
THEMIS Image of the Day, December 5, 2014. This VIS image shows one of many troughs located on the south polar cap. More THEMIS Images of the Day by geological topic.
Posted in Reports
Tagged Arizona State University, ASU, ice, ice cap, katabatic jump, Mars Odyssey, NASA, polar troughs, south polar ice cap, THEMIS, Thermal Emission Imaging System
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Spiral troughs in Mars polar caps are born in ‘cyclic steps’
Both Martian polar caps have deep spiral troughs that slice into them for dozens or hundreds of kilometers, but their origin and development has been much debated by scientists. New work by a team of researchers led by Isaac Smith … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged atmosphere, cyclic steps, ice, katabatic jump, katabatic winds, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, north polar ice cap, polar caps, polar regions, polar troughs, Shallow Radar, SHARAD, south polar ice cap, sublimation, water, water vapor
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