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mission instruments
- CRISM: Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars
- CTX: Context Camera
- HiRISE: High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment
- MARSIS: Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding
- SHARAD: Shallow Radar
- THEMIS: Thermal Emission Imaging System
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- Hope (al-Amal) orbiter
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- Mars Express (MEX)
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- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO)
- Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
- Perseverance Rover
- Tianwen-1 orbiter/rover
Tag Archives: Larry’s Lookout
Acid fog alteration seen at Husband Hill outcrop
While Mars doesn’t have much in the way of Earth-like weather, it does evidently share one kind of weird meteorology: acid fog. Planetary scientist Shoshanna Cole has pieced together a compelling story about how acidic vapors may have eaten at … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged acid fog, Columbia Hills, Cumberland Ridge, Gusev Crater, Husband Hill, Jibsheet, Larry's Lookout, Mars Exploration Rover, MER, Methuselah, NASA, Spirit, Watchtower class rocks
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