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Tag Archives: multiple impacts
Recently formed crater clusters on Mars
[Editor’s note: From a paper by Ingrid Daubar and three co-authors recently published in the Journal of Geophysical Research.] Recently Formed Crater Clusters on Mars • We report on properties of new dated crater clusters on Mars; most clusters in … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged crater clusters, cratering rate, impacts, multiple impacts, oblique impacts
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HiRISE: Recent impact site in Noachis Terra
This image shows a recent impact in Noachis Terra in the southern mid-latitudes of Mars. The impact occurred in dark-toned ejecta material from a degraded, 60-kilometer crater to the south. Rather than a single impact crater, we see multiple impacts … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, HiRISE, impact craters, impacts, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, MRO, multiple impacts, NASA, Noachis Terra, recent impacts, University of Arizona
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THEMIS: Triple strike on Solis Planum
THEMIS image of the Day, June 6, 2017. Today’s VIS image is of a group of craters in Solis Planum. Because three of the craters are overlapping it is possible to determine the order in which those three were created. … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged Arizona State University, ASU, craters, Mars Odyssey, multiple impacts, NASA, Solis Planum, THEMIS, THEMIS Image of the Day, Thermal Emission Imaging System, triplet craters
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