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Tag Archives: Noachis Terra
HiRISE: Dunes atop Noachis Terra crater infill
Dunes atop crater infill. Beautiful Mars series.
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Tagged Beautiful Mars, dunes, High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, HiRISE, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, MRO, NASA, Noachis Terra, sand dunes, University of Arizona
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THEMIS: Noachis Terra crater in false color
THEMIS Image of the Day, October 20, 2016. Today’s false color image shows part of a crater in Noachis Terra. The THEMIS VIS camera contains 5 filters. The data from different filters can be combined in multiple ways to create a … Continue reading
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Tagged Arizona State University, ASU, craters, false color, Mars Odyssey, NASA, Noachis Terra, THEMIS, THEMIS Image of the Day, Thermal Emission Imaging System
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HiRISE: Irregular basin floor material
Irregular basin floor material. Beautiful Mars series.
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Tagged basins, Beautiful Mars, High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, HiRISE, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, MRO, NASA, Noachis Terra, University of Arizona
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THEMIS: Paired craters in big Noachis Terra crater – binary asteroid hit?
THEMIS Image of the Day, September 2, 2016. Today’s false color image shows an unnamed crater in Noachis Terra. The paired small craters near the center may be where a binary asteroid struck. The THEMIS camera contains 5 filters. The data … Continue reading
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Tagged Arizona State University, ASU, binary craters, complex craters, craters, impacts, Mars Odyssey, NASA, Noachis Terra, THEMIS, THEMIS Image of the Day, Thermal Emission Imaging System
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THEMIS: Noachis Terra – false color
THEMIS Image of the Day, August 30, 2016. Today’s false color image shows part of the plains of Noachis Terra. The THEMIS camera contains 5 filters. The data from different filters can be combined in multiple ways to create a false … Continue reading
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Tagged Arizona State University, ASU, Mars Odyssey, NASA, Noachis Terra, THEMIS, THEMIS Image of the Day, Thermal Emission Imaging System
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HRSC: MEX spies nameless, ancient impact crater
This striking perspective view from ESA’s Mars Express shows an unnamed but eye-catching impact crater on Mars. This region sits south-west of a dark plain named Mare Serpentis (literally ‘the sea of serpents’), which in turn is located in Noachis … Continue reading
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Tagged DLR, ESA, European Space Agency, FU Berlin, High Resolution Stereo Camera, HRSC, Mare Serpentis, Mars Express, MEX, Noachis Terra
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THEMIS: Evros Vallis
THEMIS Image of the Day, July 4, 2016. Today’s VIS image shows a small section of Evros Vallis. Evros Vallis is located in the northern part of Noachis Terra. More THEMIS Images of the Day by geological topic.
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Tagged Arizona State University, ASU, channels, Evros Vallis, fluvial channels, Mars Odyssey, NASA, Noachis Terra, THEMIS, THEMIS Image of the Day, Thermal Emission Imaging System
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HiRISE: Beautiful blocks of bedrock
This image targets a 3-kilometer diameter crater that occurs within the ejecta blanket of the much older Bakhuysen Crater, a 150-kilometer diameter impact crater in Noachis Terra. Impact craters are interesting because they provide a mechanism to uplift and expose … Continue reading
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Tagged Bakhuysen Crater, High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, HiRISE, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, MRO, NASA, Noachis Terra, University of Arizona
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HiRISE: Bedrock on floor of Bakhuysen Crater
This HiRISE image shows an exposure of bedrock on the floor of Bakhuysen Crater, a 150-kilometer diameter impact crater in Noachis Terra. The bedrock is highly fragmented and fractured. The distinct false-color in the image may indicate that the tan-colored, … Continue reading
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Tagged Bakhuysen Crater, High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, HiRISE, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, MRO, NASA, Noachis Terra, University of Arizona
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THEMIS: Noachis Terra – false color
THEMIS Image of the Day, December 30, 2015. The THEMIS camera contains 5 filters. The data from different filters can be combined in multiple ways to create a false color image. These false color images may reveal subtle variations of … Continue reading
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Tagged Arizona State University, ASU, basaltic sand, Mars Odyssey, NASA, Noachis Terra, sand, THEMIS, Thermal Emission Imaging System
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