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Tag Archives: Phobos
Phobos, Deimos formed after giant impact
Southwest Research Institute scientists posit a violent birth of the tiny Martian moons Phobos and Deimos, but on a much smaller scale than the giant impact thought to have resulted in the Earth-Moon system. Their work shows that an impact … Continue reading
Mars Express views both moons against Saturn’s rings
New images and video from ESA’s Mars Express show Phobos and Deimos drifting in front of Saturn and background stars, revealing more about the positioning and surfaces of the Red Planet’s mysterious moons. Mars’ two small moons are intriguing objects. … Continue reading
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Tagged Deimos, DLR, ESA, European Space Agency, FU Berlin, High Resolution Stereo Camera, HRSC, Mars Express, MEX, Phobos, Saturn
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THEMIS images Phobos and Deimos
Phobos and Deimos, the moons of Mars, are seen in this movie put together from 19 images taken by the Mars Odyssey orbiter’s Thermal Emission Imaging System, or THEMIS, camera. The images were taken in visible-wavelength light. THEMIS also recorded … Continue reading
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Tagged Arizona State University, ASU, Deimos, Mars Odyssey, NASA, Phobos, THEMIS, Thermal Emission Imaging System
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Trace Gas Orbiter: Crossing Phobos’ orbit while aerobraking
[Editor’s note: See update.] Here are the facts about the Phobos orbit crossing today [November 16]. The orbit crossing is not a Phobos flyby. In fact, we did our best to ensure that Phobos would be at the farthest possible … Continue reading
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Tagged aerobraking, ESA, European Space Agency, ExoMars, ExoMars 2016, Phobos, Roscosmos, TGO, Trace Gas Orbiter
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Solar eruptions could electrify Martian moons
Powerful solar eruptions could electrically charge areas of the Martian moon Phobos to hundreds of volts, presenting a complex electrical environment that could possibly affect sensitive electronics carried by future robotic explorers, according to a new NASA study. The study … Continue reading
Hubble Space Telescope images Phobos
While photographing Mars, NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope captured a cameo appearance of the tiny moon Phobos on its trek around the Red Planet. Discovered in 1877, the diminutive, potato-shaped moon is so small that it appears star-like in the Hubble … Continue reading
Did a giant impact create the northern lowlands, both moons, and enrich the mantle?
The origin and nature of Mars are mysterious. The planet has geologically distinct hemispheres with smooth lowlands in the north and cratered, high-elevation terrain in the south. The red planet also has two small oddly-shaped oblong moons and a composition that sets … Continue reading
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Tagged crustal dichotomy, Deimos, northern lowlands, northern plains, Phobos
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Curiosity update: A roving astronomer
Sol 1736-39, June 23, 2017, update by MSL scientists Michael Battalio and Mark Salvatore: Curiosity has presented us with another beautiful workspace following a 16.6 meter drive. The majority of this week’s activities were focused on imaging Vera Rubin Ridge to … Continue reading
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Tagged Aeolis Mons, Beaver Dam Pond, Blunts Point, Curiosity, Deimos, Gale Crater, Mars Science Laboratory, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA, Phobos, Vera Rubin Ridge, Winter Harbor
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Curiosity update: Roving right along
Sol 1729-31, June 17, 2017, update by MSL scientist Abigail Fraeman: The drive on Sol 1728 was successful, and our weekend plan will be chock-full of activities. On the first sol, we will do some contact science on the rather … Continue reading
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Tagged Aeolis Mons, Big Spencer Mountain, Curiosity, Frazer Creek, Gale Crater, Lurvey Spring, Mark Island, Mars Science Laboratory, Monument Cove, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA, Phobos, Vera Rubin Ridge
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Curiosity update: Science frenzy!
Sol 1692, May 9, 2017, update by MSL scientist Rachel Kronyak: After the drive on Sol 1691, the workspace in front of the rover had plenty of interesting rocks in front of us to keep us busy. Today I served as … Continue reading
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Tagged Aeolis Mons, Bear Island, Bowden Ledge, Curiosity, Gale Crater, Mars Science Laboratory, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, Myrtle Ledge, NASA, Old Tom, Ox Hill, Pejebscot Falls, Phobos, Sagadahoc Bay, The Cleft, The Maypole, Weaver Rock
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