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Tag Archives: Pvt. George Gibson
Opportunity: Pvt. George Gibson under the MI
Sol 4144, September 21, 2015. Opportunity’s Microscopic Imager has shot a multi-frame mosaic of the target dubbed Pvt. George Gibson as part of its survey of outcrops on the floor of Marathon Valley (right). Above, Navcam takes a long view … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged Cape Tribulation, Endeavour Crater, Marathon Valley, Mars Exploration Rover, MER, NASA, Opportunity, Pvt. George Gibson
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Opportunity: Checking out Pvt. George Gibson
Sol 4139, September 15, 2015. Opportunity is examining the target dubbed Pvt. George Gibson, seen above in a pair of Navcam frames. At right is a false-color Pancam image of the target area (by Holger Isenberg). (Click images to enlarge.) … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged Cape Tribulation, clay minerals, Endeavour Crater, Marathon Valley, Mars Exploration Rover, MER, NASA, Opportunity, phyllosilicates, Pvt. George Gibson
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Opportunity: Targets on the slope
Sol 4136-7, September 13, 2015. With Opportunity parked on the slope of Marathon Valley, the rover’s imagers are recording the area, near and far. Above is a three-frame Navcam composite looking generally north. In the center lies a largish rock … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged Cape Tribulation, Endeavour Crater, Marathon Valley, Mars Exploration Rover, MER, NASA, Opportunity, Pvt. George Gibson, Pvt. Silas Goodrich
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