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Tag Archives: Pvt. Isaac White
Opportunity: Setting up on the workplane
Sol 4206, November 23, 2015. With Opportunity parked at Pvt. Isaac White, the instrument arm swings into action to let scientists study the “workplane.” This is the vertical strip of ground that’s accessible to the arm, which can move only … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged Cape Tribulation, Endeavour Crater, Marathon Valley, Mars Exploration Rover, MER, NASA, Opportunity, Pvt. Isaac White
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Opportunity: Pancam checks Pvt. Isaac White
Sols 4203-04, November 20-21, 2015. It took the Pancam, working through multiple filters, two sols to image a rock outcrop dubbed Pvt. Isaac White, seen above in false-color by Holger Isenberg (click to enlarge). The Pancam composite’s location is shown … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged Cape Tribulation, Endeavour Crater, Marathon Valley, Mars Exploration Rover, MER, NASA, Opportunity, Pvt. Isaac White
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