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Tag Archives: south polar layered deposits
HiRISE: Is that an impact crater?
This image was acquired to take a closer look at a circular feature that might be an impact structure on the South Polar layered deposits. Measuring the sizes and frequency of impact craters provides a constraint on the age of … Continue reading
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Tagged craters, High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, HiRISE, impacts, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, MRO, NASA, south polar layered deposits, University of Arizona
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THEMIS: South polar cap layers
THEMIS Image of the Day, March 3, 2017. This VIS image shows the layering of the South Polar cap of Mars. The image is located at the margin between the cap ice and the surrounding plains (bottom of image). More … Continue reading
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Tagged Arizona State University, ASU, climate cycles, Mars Odyssey, NASA, south polar ice cap, south polar layered deposits, THEMIS, THEMIS Image of the Day, Thermal Emission Imaging System
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THEMIS: Pages from the south polar climate history book
THEMIS Image of the Day, February 22, 2017. Today’s VIS image shows part of the south polar cap. It is now summer in the region and the surface frosts are gone. The layers of ice comprising the cap are now … Continue reading
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Tagged Arizona State University, ASU, climate change, climate cycles, Mars Odyssey, NASA, south polar ice cap, south polar layered deposits, south polar residual cap, THEMIS, THEMIS Image of the Day, Thermal Emission Imaging System
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HiRISE: How gas carves channels
A layer of dry ice covers the South Polar layered deposits every winter. In the spring, gas created from heating of the dry ice escapes through ruptures in the overlying seasonal ice, entraining material from the ground below. The gas … Continue reading
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Tagged CO2 frost, High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, HiRISE, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, MRO, NASA, south polar layered deposits, spiders, University of Arizona
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3D images reveal Mars polar ice cap features
Three-dimensional subsurface images are revealing structures within the Martian polar ice caps, including previously obscured layering, a larger volume of frozen carbon dioxide contained in the south polar cap, and bowl-shaped features that may be buried impact craters within both … Continue reading
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Tagged Chasma Boreale, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, MRO, NASA, north polar ice cap, north polar layered deposits, Shallow Radar, SHARAD, south polar ice cap, south polar layered deposits
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HiRISE: Edge of the south pole layered deposit
This image shows the edge of the Martian South Polar layered deposit. The stack of fine layering is highlighted by the rays of the polar sun. These layers show the pervasive red coloring of Mars which have built up over … Continue reading
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Tagged High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, HiRISE, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, MRO, NASA, south polar layered deposits, SPLD, University of Arizona
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THEMIS: South polar ice cap layers
THEMIS Image of the Day, October 3, 2016. This VIS image shows some of the multiple layers of ice that make up the South Polar cap. More THEMIS Images of the Day by geological topic.
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Tagged Arizona State University, ASU, climate change, Mars Odyssey, NASA, south polar ice cap, south polar layered deposits, THEMIS, THEMIS Image of the Day, Thermal Emission Imaging System
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THEMIS: South polar layers of ice and dust
THEMIS Image of the Day, August 25, 2016. Southern hemisphere spring has arrived at the south polar cap. The ice layers that make up the cap are easily seen in this VIS image. More THEMIS Images of the Day by … Continue reading
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Tagged Arizona State University, ASU, ice, Mars Odyssey, NASA, south polar ice cap, south polar layered deposits, THEMIS, THEMIS Image of the Day, Thermal Emission Imaging System
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HRSC: Mars south pole and beyond
This sweeping view by ESA’s Mars Express extends from the planet’s south polar ice cap and across its cratered highlands to the Hellas Basin (top left) and beyond… The image was acquired by the high-resolution stereo camera on ESA’s Mars … Continue reading
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Tagged DLR, ESA, European Space Agency, FU Berlin, High Resolution Stereo Camera, HRSC, Mars Express, MEX, south polar ice cap, south polar layered deposits, south polar region
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HiRISE: Mysterious bright streak on the south polar layered deposits
This locale was targeted to a bright, bow-shaped marking visible in a summertime image from MRO’s Context Camera. Our HiRISE image reveals a crater near the streak, perhaps from an impact event, although now too degraded to be certain of … Continue reading
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Tagged High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, HiRISE, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, MRO, NASA, south polar layered deposits, University of Arizona
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