Tag Archives: Stimson Formation

Curiosity update: Early wheel check-up

Sol 1591-92 January 25, 2017, update by USGS scientist Ryan Anderson: The Sol 1589-1590 plan went well, with a successful ~31 meter drive. ChemCam remains “sick” and some diagnostic activities are being planned for the weekend plan. We are approaching … Continue reading

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Curiosity update: Team meeting

Sol 1589-90, January 23, 2017, update by USGS scientist Ryan Anderson: This week most of the Curiosity team is headed out to California for a team meeting. I’m not at the meeting because I have a new baby at home, … Continue reading

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Curiosity update: ChemCam sick

Sol 1586-88, January 20, 2017, update by USGS scientist Ken Herkenhoff: MSL drove another 13 meters on Sol 1585, again placing the rover in a good position for contact science.  But the telemetry also showed that ChemCam had been marked … Continue reading

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Curiosity update: Examining Jewell

Sol 1585, January 19, 2017, update by USGS scientist Ken Herkenhoff: After a 31-meter drive on Sol 1584, MSL is in position for contact science on a block of bedrock in front of the rover.  So, as MAHLI/MARDI uplink lead … Continue reading

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Curiosity: South vista & Ireson Hill

Sol 1584, January 19, 2017. Curiosity drove some 30 meters (100 feet) south from yesterday’s position, and its sand-patch-dodging path has brought it slightly closer to Ireson Hill. Seen in the Navcam composite below, the hill is now about 100 … Continue reading

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Curiosity: Ireson Hill & distant butte

Sol 1583, January 18, 2017. After driving 16 meters (55 feet) south-southwest, Curiosity used its Navcam to image Ireson Hill (left) and a more distant butte almost superimposed. From this point Ireson Hill lies about 100 meters away, while the … Continue reading

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Curiosity update: Driving and remote sensing

Sol 1583, January 17, 2017, update by USGS scientist Lauren Edgar: The 4-sol weekend plan went well, and Curiosity drove ~ 44 m further to the south.  I was the GKOP today and it was a fairly straightforward plan focused … Continue reading

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Curiosity: Ames Knob, nickel-iron meteorite

Sol 1577, January 12, 2017. The rover’s Mastcam (100mm lens) imaged what appears to be a small nickel-iron meteorite, dubbed Ames Knob. It is similar in appearance and chemical makeup to Egg Rock, found last fall. (Click image to enlarge … Continue reading

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Curiosity: Outlier butte

Sol 1580, January 15, 2017. The Mastcam, using its 100mm telephoto lens, shot a six-frame composite (4.5 MB) of a distant outlier butte. It lies about a kilometer (3,200 feet) southwest of Curiosity. Click image to enlarge it. Sol 1580 … Continue reading

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Curiosity update: A 4-sol plan

Sol 1579-82, January 13, 2017, update by USGS scientist Ken Herkenhoff: After a 25-meter drive on Sol 1578, MSL is surrounded by more dark sand than usual, but there is enough rock exposed that we had a lot of science … Continue reading

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