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Tag Archives: volcanos
HiRISE: Small volcano
Beautiful Mars series: Small volcano to the southwest of Tombaugh Crater. More Beautiful Mars images.
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Tagged Beautiful Mars, High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, HiRISE, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, MRO, NASA, Tombaugh Crater, University of Arizona, volcanics, volcanism, volcanos
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THEMIS image: Olympus Mons summit caldera
THEMIS Image of the Day, February 19, 2014. This VIS image shows the central portion of the complex caldera at the summit of Olympus Mons. More THEMIS Images of the Day by geological topic.
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Tagged Arizona State University, ASU, calderas, Mars Odyssey, NASA, Olympus Mons, THEMIS, Thermal Emission Imaging System, volcanics, volcanos
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THEMIS image: Olympus Mons summit
THEMIS Image of the Day, February 18, 2014. Today’s VIS image shows the eastern portion of the complex caldera at the summit of Olympus Mons. More THEMIS Images of the Day by geological topic.
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Tagged Arizona State University, ASU, calderas, Mars Odyssey, NASA, Olympus Mons, THEMIS, Thermal Emission Imaging System, volcanics, volcanos
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Supervolcanos in Arabia on Mars: Update
The idea of giant volcanos erupting in Arabia was proposed by Joseph Michalski (Planetary Science Institute) in a talk at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in March 2013. Michalski and coauthor Jacob Bleacher (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) have … Continue reading
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Tagged Arabia Terra, Eden Patera, Euphrates Patera, explosive volcanism, Ismenia Patera, Oxus Cavus, Oxus Patera, Semeykin Crater, Siloe Patera, supervolcanos, volcanic activity, volcanic ash, volcanism, volcanos
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Does Arabia show a new style of Martian volcanism?
Arabia is one of the largest and oldest regions of Mars. Among its varied rocks are widespread deposits of soft and easily eroded ones which may have a volcanic origin. However, Arabia has no obvious volcanic vents or sources.
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Tagged Arabia Terra, Eden Patera, Euphrates Patera, explosive volcanism, Ismenia Patera, LPSC 2013, Oxus Patera, pyroclastic eruptions, Semeykin Crater, Siloe Patera, volcanism, volcanos
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Explosive eruptions in dense ancient atmospheres
Explosive volcanic eruptions on an earlier Mars with a thicker atmosphere would have scattered fine ash (pyroclastic debris) mainly east or west of the volcano, a new study finds. Also, a denser ancient atmosphere supports the addition of Arsia and … Continue reading
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Tagged Apollinaris Mons, Arsia Mons, atmosphere, Medusae Fossae Formation, Pavonis Mons, pyroclastic eruptions, volcanic ash, volcanos
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Mars’ explosive childhood
Mars is widely understood to be a volcanic planet — its surface shows abundant evidence of volcanic activity, both ancient and more recent. Spacecraft detect lava flows in many locations, and spectroscopic evidence of volcanic rocks lies almost everywhere. The … Continue reading
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Tagged climate, Coprates Chasma, early Mars, magnetic field, Mars Odyssey, THEMIS, thermal inertia, Valles Marineris, volcanism, volcanos
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Touching Mars from Earth
Remote sensing of Mars usually happens when spacecraft sensors look down from orbit around the Red Planet. But sensors on Earth can also get in on the fun, especially when they actively reach out to the planet via radio waves. … Continue reading
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Tagged Amazonis, Arecibo Observatory, Cerberus, Elysium, lava flows, lava roughness, radar, Tharsis, Utopia, volcanic activity, volcanos
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“Olympic” ocean in Tharsis?
Two features of Olympus Mons have puzzled geologists since they were discovered decades ago. First are the “aureole” deposits, rough terrain extending as much as 400 kilometers (250 miles) from the volcano. And second is the scarp, about 8,000 meters … Continue reading
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Tagged lava flows, Oceanus, Olympus Mons, polar ocean, Tharsis, volcanos
Ancient volcanos suggest long activity
Mars is a volcanic planet and has been volcanically active from the start. The most extensive volcanism occurred during the earliest part of its geologic history, the Noachian era, the time before roughly 3.7 billion years ago. However, as a … Continue reading