Curiosity update: ‘Back at Missoula’

NLB_492222424EDR_F0490000NCAM00305M_-br2Sol 1068-1070, August 7, 2015, update from USGS scientist Lauren Edgar: Curiosity had a successful drive of 19 m on Sol 1067, and we are currently back at Missoula for more targeted science.  The goal is to perform a detailed study of the Stimson-Pahrump contact, and to determine the relative timing of some of the veins that we’ve observed here.

The three-sol plan is a busy one, with a lot of ChemCam analyses.  On Sol 1068 Curiosity will acquire ChemCam LIBS on four different “Missoula” targets (Missoula A, B, C, and D), to understand the chemistry across the contact.  We’ll also acquire several Mastcam images to document those targets.  On Sol 1070, we’ll acquire a ChemCam passive observation on the target “Coombs” (“passive” means that we don’t fire the laser, we just passively collect the spectrum of the target), and a regular ChemCam LIBS observation on the target “Stenerson.” [More at link]

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