Sol 1330-31, May 2, 2016, update from USGS scientist Lauren Edgar: Over the weekend, Curiosity completed the drilling investigation at Lubango, and we drove ~13 m to the “Ovitoto” area (note that this area is only ~4 m away from Lubango as the crow flies, but it took some maneuvering to get there). This area is composed of typical unaltered Stimson bedrock, which we’ll use to compare to the altered bedrock at Lubango.
I was on duty as GSTL today, and we put together a full plan of contact science to characterize the next potential drill site. The two-sol plan starts with a ChemCam observation of “Okoruso,” followed by MAHLI of the same site. ChemCam LIBS shots tend to blow away a lot of dust, so this will… [More at link]