Tag Archives: collapse pits

HiRISE: Pits and flows

Pits and flows. This observation shows smooth-textured flows on the plateau south of the collapse pit chain of Ophir Catena. HiRISE Picture of the Day archive. [More at links]

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HiRISE: An elongated pit in Margaritifer Terra

An elongated pit in Margaritifer Terra. There is nothing more interesting than a feature that resembles a giant amoeba. Margaritifer Terra is an ancient, heavily cratered region, centered just south of the Martian equator, and covers 2600 kilometers at its … Continue reading

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HiRISE: The pits of Elysium Mons

During the 2018 Mars dust storm, we obtained a clear view of the summit of the giant volcano Elysium Mons. We see the western rim and floor of the caldera, and a chain of pits (called a “catena”) extending from … Continue reading

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THEMIS: High on the east flank of Pavonis Mons

THEMIS Image of the Day, October 11, 2018. This false-color VIS image shows the eastern flank of Pavonis Mons. The darker streaks are created by wind action, and the curving lines are faults produced when the volcano “relaxed” under the … Continue reading

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THEMIS: Pits and channels on Ascraeus Mons

THEMIS Image of the Day, August 28, 2018. This VIS image shows a portion of the northern flank of Ascreaus Mons. Multiple linear depressions cut across the surface lava flows, having formed after the surface in this region. The chains … Continue reading

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THEMIS: Lava channels on Pavonis Mons

THEMIS Image of the Day, August 24, 2018. This VIS image shows part of the southwestern flank of Pavonis Mons. The channel and nearby oval depressions are both related to the flow of lava. Narrow lava flows can create channels. … Continue reading

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HiRISE: Pits galore near Kasei Valles

Pits galore near Kasei Valles. These are located near the edge of a lava outflow region, for which there is evidence of subsurface tube flows. Beautiful Mars series. [More at links]

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THEMIS: Volcanic fissure in Labeatis Fossae

THEMIS Image of the Day, May 8, 2018. The feature that crosses this VIS image is a graben. Graben are formed by tectonic action, where a block of material moves downward between a pair of faults. The northern part of … Continue reading

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THEMIS: Volcanic vent in Arsia Mons caldera

THEMIS Image of the Day, January 5, 2018. This THEMIS image shows part of the southern margin of the summit caldera. This image contains a variety of features representing the major events related to the formation of the volcano. At … Continue reading

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THEMIS: Chains of pit craters near summit of Arsia Mons volcano

THEMIS Image of the Day, January 4, 2018. The three large aligned Tharsis volcanoes are Arsia Mons, Pavonis Mons and Ascraeus Mons (from south to north). There are collapse features on all three volcanoes, on the southwestern and northeastern flanks. … Continue reading

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