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Tag Archives: Daedalia Planum
HiRISE: Flow over a crater rim in Daedalia Planum
A flow over a crater rim in far eastern Daedalia Planum. Lava flow over-topped crater rim and some lava poured down crater wall. Perhaps it is possible to use knowledge of crater rim, wall (slope), etc., as well as lava … Continue reading
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Tagged Beautiful Mars, Daedalia Planum, High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, HiRISE, lava flows, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, MRO, NASA, University of Arizona
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THEMIS: Daedalia Planum crater
THEMIS Image of the Day, July 30, 2018. This VIS image shows part of an unnamed crater on the northwest margin of Daedaia Planum. Lava flows are visible around the crater rim. The interior of the crater has been filled … Continue reading
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Tagged Arizona State University, ASU, craters, Daedalia Planum, lava flows, Mars Odyssey, NASA, THEMIS, THEMIS Image of the Day, Thermal Emission Imaging System, volcanics, wind erosion, yardangs
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THEMIS: Lava flow dodges impact crater’s ejecta
THEMIS Image of the Day, July 26, 2018. This VIS image shows a small portion of the vast lava flow field of Daedalia Planum. The flows originate at Arsia Mons, the youngest of the three Tharsis volcanoes. See more THEMIS … Continue reading
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Tagged Arizona State University, Arsia Mons, ASU, Daedalia Planum, lava flows, Mars Odyssey, NASA, THEMIS, THEMIS Image of the Day, Thermal Emission Imaging System, volcanics
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THEMIS: Daedalia Planum’s lava flows
THEMIS Image of the Day, July 11, 2018. The lava flows in this VIS image originate at Arsia Mons. Arsia Mons in the southermost of the three large Tharsis volcanoes. More THEMIS Images of the Day by geological topic.
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Tagged Arizona State University, Arsia Mons, ASU, Daedalia Planum, lava flows, Mars Odyssey, NASA, Tharsis, THEMIS, THEMIS Image of the Day, Thermal Emission Imaging System, volcanics
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THEMIS: Rough lava flows on Daedalia Planum
THEMIS image of the Day, June 6, 2018. Today’s VIS image shows a small portion of the lava flows that comprise Daedalia Planum. The flows originated at Arsia Mons, the youngest of the three Tharsis volcanoes. The Tharsis volcanoes are … Continue reading
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Tagged Arizona State University, Arsia Mons, ASU, Daedalia Planum, lava, lava flows, Mars Odyssey, NASA, THEMIS, THEMIS Image of the Day, Thermal Emission Imaging System, volcanics
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THEMIS: Daedalia Planum’s engulfing lava flows
THEMIS Image of the Day, May 2, 2018. At the bottom of this VIS image of Daedalia Planum is the the uppermost rim of an impact crater. The unnamed crater has been almost completely filled by lava flows originating from … Continue reading
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Tagged Arizona State University, Arsia Mons, ASU, Daedalia Planum, lava flows, Mars Odyssey, NASA, THEMIS, THEMIS Image of the Day, Thermal Emission Imaging System, volcanics
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HiRISE; Exposed bedrock, Koval’sky impact basin
This image shows partially exposed bedrock within the Koval’sky impact basin, which is on the outskirts of the extensive lava field of Daedalia Planum. Daedalia Planum is located southwest of Arsia Mons, which may be the source responsible for filling … Continue reading
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Tagged Arsia Mons, bedrock, Daedalia Planum, High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, HiRISE, Koval'sky impact basin, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, MRO, NASA, University of Arizona, volcanics
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THEMIS: Lava tube skylights in Daedalia Planum
THEMIS Image of the Day, May 19, 2017. Today’s VIS image show lava flows in Daedalia Planum that originated from Arsia Mons. At lower right, note the three circular “skylights” — places where the roof of an underground lava tube … Continue reading
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Tagged Arizona State University, Arsia Mons, ASU, collapse pits, Daedalia Planum, lava flows, lava tubes, Mars Odyssey, NASA, THEMIS, THEMIS Image of the Day, Thermal Emission Imaging System, volcanics
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THEMIS: Flows upon flows in Daedalia Planum
THEMIS Image of the Day, April 13, 2017. Today’s false color image shows a small portion of Daedalia Planum. This part of Mars is built up from countless interwoven lava flows that have spilled from the giant volcanos of Tharsis … Continue reading
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Tagged Arizona State University, ASU, Daedalia Planum, lava, lava flows, Mars Odyssey, NASA, THEMIS, THEMIS Image of the Day, Thermal Emission Imaging System, volcanics
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HiRISE: Dust ridges in Daedalia Planum
Dust ridges in Daedalia Planum. Beautiful Mars series.
Posted in Reports
Tagged Beautiful Mars, Daedalia Planum, dust, dust ridges, High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, HiRISE, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, MRO, NASA, University of Arizona
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