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Tag Archives: flowlines
HiRISE: Layers and flow features in Protonilus Mensae
Layers and flow features in Protonilus Mensae. Repeat image to look for glacial and periglacial changes. There are also some interesting superposition of glacial, polygon, gully, fan, and crevasse features. Who wants to take a hike? Beautiful Mars series. [More … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged Beautiful Mars, flowlines, High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, HiRISE, layers, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, MRO, NASA, Protonilus Mensae, University of Arizona
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HiRISE: A mass of viscous flow features
Viscous, lobate flow features are commonly found at the bases of slopes in the mid-latitudes of Mars, and are often associated with gullies. These features are bound by ridges that resemble terrestrial moraines, suggesting that these deposits are ice-rich, or … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged debris flows, flowlines, High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, HiRISE, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, MRO, mud flows, NASA, University of Arizona, viscous flow features
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HiRISE: Volcanic flow features in Elysium Planitia
Volcanic flow features in southern Elysium Planitia. Beautiful Mars series.
Posted in Reports
Tagged Beautiful Mars, Elysium Planitia, flowlines, High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, HiRISE, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, MRO, NASA, University of Arizona, viscous flow features, volcanics, volcanism
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THEMIS: Channels
THEMIS Image of the Day, October 21, 2015. Today’s VIS image shows part of a complex region of channels which dissect the margin of Arabia Terra where elevations lower into Acidalia Planitia. Material that has moved down the channels in … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged Acidalia Planitia, Arabia Terra, Arizona State University, ASU, channels, flowlines, glaciers, ground ice, ice, Mars Odyssey, medial moraines, NASA, rock glaciers, THEMIS, Thermal Emission Imaging System
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THEMIS: Saheki Crater — false color
THEMIS Image of the Day, June 26, 2015. The THEMIS VIS camera contains 5 filters. The data from different filters can be combined in multiple ways to create a false color image. These false color images may reveal subtle variations … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged Arizona State University, ASU, channels, color, craters, flowlines, Mars Odyssey, NASA, Saheki Crater, THEMIS, Thermal Emission Imaging System
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