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Tag Archives: Jura
Curiosity: Looking for a Jura drill site
Sol 2252, December 7, 2018. Five Navcam frames show the scene to the east and southeast of Curiosity. The rover team is looking for a good spot to try to drill into the Jura member of Vera Rubin Ridge. Click … Continue reading
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Tagged Aeolis Mons, Curiosity, Gale Crater, Jura, Mars Science Laboratory, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA, Vera Rubin Ridge
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Curiosity update: The hunt for red Jura
Sol 2252-53, December 5, 2018, update by MSL scientist Abigail Fraeman: Even though they looked promising from a few meters away, this morning’s workspace images showed us that the red Jura rocks we had hoped to drill are too fractured … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged Aeolis Mons, Conan Mains, Curiosity, Dunecht, Gale Crater, Jura, Knochan Crag, Mars Science Laboratory, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA, Skatie Shore, Stronecraigs, Vera Rubin Ridge
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Curiosity update: Grey today, red tomorrow
Sol 2250-51, December 3, 2018, update by MSL scientist Suzanne Schwenzer: On sol 2250 Curiosity finishes the observations on and around the Highfield drill hole and drives on to an area where red Jura is exposed. The dataset Curiosity collected … Continue reading
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Tagged Aeolis Mons, Curiosity, Gale Crater, Highfield, Jura, Lothian, Mars Science Laboratory, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA, Niddrie, Vera Rubin Ridge
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Curiosity: Windblown tailings from Highfield
Sol 2247, December 2, 2018. The Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) took a photo of the Highfield drill hole and the tailings on the surface around the hole. The wind has scattered some of the tailings, and scientists are studying … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged Aeolis Mons, Curiosity, Gale Crater, Highfield, Jura, Mars Science Laboratory, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA, Vera Rubin Ridge, wind
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Curiosity update: Hunting shiny things
Sol 2245-46, November 28, 2018, update by MSL scientist Suzanne Schwenzer: Curiosity woke up to Mr Rogers “Please would you be my neighbor” this morning to welcome InSight, and then got very busy at the Highfield drill site. Every plan … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged Aeolis Mons, Curiosity, Eildon, Flanders Moss, Forres, Gale Crater, Highfield, Jura, Little Colonsay, Little Todday, Mars Science Laboratory, meteorites, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA, Vera Rubin Ridge
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Curiosity update: Rover has a minor post-holiday hiccup, but is happy and healthy
Sol 2243-44, November 26, 2018, update by MSL scientist Lucy Thompson: Curiosity was happy and healthy after the Thanksgiving holiday, but experienced a minor post-holiday hiccup during a test of delivering sample portions to the workspace. The rover’s robotic arm … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged Aeolis Mons, Curiosity, Dunecht, Gale Crater, Grampian, Highfield, Jura, Kerrera, Kingseat, Little Todday, Lothian, Mars Science Laboratory, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA, Sand Loch, Vera Rubin Ridge, Windyedge
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Curiosity: Peeking into Highfield
Sol 2225, November 9, 2018. Above is the front Hazcam view showing the location of the Highfield drill hole (arrow). Note Mt. Sharp on the skyline at left. At right is a two-frame composite by the Remote Micro-Imager showing Highfield … Continue reading
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Tagged Aeolis Mons, Curiosity, Gale Crater, Highfield, Jura, Lake Orcadie, Mars Science Laboratory, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA, Vera Rubin Ridge
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Curiosity update: Science galore at the 18th hole
Sol 2225, November 9, 2018, update by MSL scientist Claire Newman: Tosol we received confirmation that Curiosity’s drill yestersol was successful, as shown in this Navcam image of the “Highfield” target – our eighteenth drill hole in the martian surface! … Continue reading
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Tagged Aeolis Mons, Curiosity, Gale Crater, Highfield, Jura, Mars Science Laboratory, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA, Vera Rubin Ridge
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Curiosity update: Optimism for ‘Highfield’
Sol 2223, November 7, 2018, update by MSL scientist Lauren Edgar: On Sol 2222, Curiosity drove ~10 m towards the “Lake Orcadie” location, in the hopes that we would be able to drill the gray Jura member here. Today’s plan … Continue reading
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Tagged Aeolis Mons, Curiosity, Gale Crater, Highfield, Jura, Lake Orcadie, Mars Science Laboratory, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA, Vera Rubin Ridge
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Curiosity: At the Lake
Sol 2222, November 6, 2018. Curiosity is again at Lake Orcadie. The image above is by the Navcam looking down, and the image at right shows the Hazcam view. Below is a Sol 2221 view of the Lake Orcadie outcrop. … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged Aeolis Mons, Curiosity, Gale Crater, Jura, Lake Orcadie, Lake Orcadie 2, Mars Science Laboratory, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA, Vera Rubin Ridge
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