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Tag Archives: Ladyburn
Curiosity update: Onwards to Midland Valley
Sols 2320-23, February 14, 2019, update by MSL scientist Catherine O’Connell: Today was a very busy planning day for the Curiosity operations team. We planned a 3-sol plan, with contact science, imaging, environmental monitoring and a drive. Our weekend plan … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged Aeolis Mons, CBU, clay-bearing unit, Curiosity, Curlew, Fyvie, Gale Crater, Gannet, Gilles Hill, Glen Torridon, Ladder Hills, Ladyburn, Loch Gelly, Mars Science Laboratory, Midland Valley, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA
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Curiosity update: Touring Glen Torridon
Sols 2318-19, February 11, 2019, update by MSL scientist Lucy Thompson: Similar to its namesake in Scotland, the Glen Torridon area on Mars affords us stunning vistas, but in our case, of the relatively low-lying clay bearing (from orbit) unit … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged Aeolis Mons, Beryl, CBU, clay-bearing unit, Curiosity, Curlew, Gale Crater, Gannet, Glen Torridon, Ladyburn, Mars Science Laboratory, Mount Sharp, MSL, Murray Formation, NASA, Southness, Vera Rubin Ridge
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