Tag Archives: mid-latitude glaciers

HiRISE: Flow, moving

Flow, moving. The objective of this observation is to examine a flow that goes through a crater in Nilosyrtis Mensae. It was probably larger in the past and has since been reduced in volume. HiRISE Picture of the Day archive. … Continue reading

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Reconstructing glaciers on Mars

Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month, December 1, 2018: Stephen Brough (Newcastle University, U.K.). There exist thousands of putative debris-covered glaciers in the mid-latitudes of Mars (e.g. Souness et al., 2012; Levy et al., 2014). Much like their terrestrial counterparts, … Continue reading

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HiRISE: It’s all about that flow

It’s all about that flow. There are a number of crevasse-like features here. Beautiful Mars series. [More at links]

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HiRISE: Glacial tongue

Glacial tongue. Well, that’s a fine how-do-you-do! This re-image can help to detect for any changes in the ridges and boulder movement. Beautiful Mars series. [More at links]

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THEMIS: Ice-choked Mamers Valles

THEMIS Image of the Day, March 27, 2018. Today’s VIS image shows a section of Mamers Valles, located in Arabia Terra. The smooth material with flowlines that fills the valley channel is likely glacier ice, similar to valley glaciers in … Continue reading

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Geologically recent glacial melting on Mars

Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month, March 1, 2018: Frances E.G. Butcher (Open University, Milton Keynes, UK). Thousands of putative debris-covered glaciers in Mars’ middle latitudes host water ice in volumes comparable to that of all glaciers and ice caps … Continue reading

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Water-ice cliffs found in Mars’ mid-latitudes

Researchers using NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) have found eight sites where thick deposits of ice beneath Mars’ surface are exposed in faces of eroding slopes. These eight scarps, with slopes as steep as 55 degrees, reveal new information about … Continue reading

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HiRISE: Textures in Deuteronilus Mensae

This enhanced color image shows the surface of a lobate debris apron in the Deuteronilus Mensae region of Mars, on the boundary between the Northern plains and Southern lowlands. These lobe-shaped formations commonly emanate from mesas in this region and … Continue reading

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HiRISE: Go with the (bright) flow

Many slopes in the middle latitudes of Mars show icy flows or glaciers. The region shown here, in the south-facing slope of a crater, is unusual because the flows have bright highlights. The color and brightness variations are likely due … Continue reading

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HiRISE: Interesting terrain in mid-latitude crater

Interesting terrain within mid-latitude crater. Beautiful Mars series.

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