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Tag Archives: oceans
Ocean shoreline in Cydonia Mensae?
[Editor’s note: From a paper by Steven Sholes and two co-authors recently published in the Journal of Geophysical Research.] Quantitative High‐Resolution Re‐Examination of a Hypothesized Ocean Shoreline in Cydonia Mensae on Mars • We apply a proposed paleoshoreline identification toolkit … Continue reading
Valley network distribution supports true polar wander and an ancient ocean
[Editor’s note: From a paper by Ngai Ham Chan and three co-authors recently published in the Journal of Geophysical Research.] New Evidence of an Ancient Martian Ocean from the Global Distribution of Valley Networks • Surface deformation due to True … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged deltas, oceans, sediments, shorelines, TPW, true polar wander, valley networks
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Perfect beaches ruined by martian volcanoes
The presence of potential shorelines in the northern hemisphere of Mars suggests that Mars once had oceans. The non-constant elevations of these putative shorelines, however, do not support that hypothesis. Recent work [published in Nature] by Robert Citron and colleagues … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged northern lowlands, oceans, shorelines, Tharsis, true polar wander, volcanism
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Mars’ oceans formed early, with a possible assist from volcanism
A new scenario seeking to explain how Mars’ putative oceans came and went over the last 4 billion years implies that the oceans formed several hundred million years earlier and were not as deep as once thought. The proposal [published … Continue reading
Posted in Reports
Tagged crustal dichotomy, oceans, polar ocean, Tharsis, volcanic activity
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